Jerusalem Film Summer Workshop

The Jerusalem Film Workshop is a six-week hand-on course on film making. Students learn how to operate professional cameras, edit video and work in a production team to create both fiction and documentary films. Our master classes offer a unique opportunity to network with Israel’s acclaimed producers and directors. Last year 22 young creatives from around the globe joined us from the US, UK, Croatia, China, Argentina, etc. Each student shoots two films, which are screened during the Jerusalem Film Festival! At the same time participants get VIP access to all festival’s events.

The whole workshop is in English. Students will practice in scripting, directing, editing. They will enrich their experience and portfolios, will get to know different cultures. Apart from that the program includes travelling across the country and opportunity to shoot on the scenes in such amazing locations as Jerusalem, Masada, etc.

You can find information about the program, schedule, mentors, accommodation etc on our web-page along with movies and feed-backs from previous years:

This year’s workshop will take place June 12 – July 20, 2016Registration is now open. Application deadline is April, 15.

JFW at a glance:

Who: International students with an interest in film, art, social work, politics or media.

What: 6-week film workshop guided by top Israeli film professionals 

Where: Jerusalem, Israel

When: June 12 – July 20, 2016

Why: Create two films and screen them during the Jerusalem Film Festival. 

Fee covers: accommodation, high end film equipment and video editing suites, excursions around Israel, 2 meals a day and a full accreditation pass to the Jerusalem Film Festival.

Check out the video of last year’s workshop: 

Apply here:

Apply now, space is limited.

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