Dear Graduating Students:
Please carefully read this End-of-Year Manual for information about building access, locker clean out, equipment use, alumni services and more.
Use of Journalism Building Facilities After May 20.
Use of Building:
Members of the Class of 2015 will have access to the building and its facilities through June 30, 2015.
Exceptions include: any area under construction, and any classrooms and computer rooms being used for summer classes or special programs. If you are in one of these rooms when a class is scheduled to begin, please leave immediately. Refusal to cooperate may result in the termination of your access to the building.
All current fines must be paid by Friday, May 8 or a hold will be placed on your student account. All equipment must be returned to the Equipment Room (507) by Friday, May 15th. Action will be taken to repossess equipment from outstanding checkouts after May 15. After graduation, students will be allowed to check out equipment (if all bills paid), as available, until Friday, June 6th. Please remember that scheduled summer school classes and master’s project students, as well as necessary equipment maintenance upgrades, have priority for equipment and editing rooms.
Please be aware that individual computer rooms will be closed at different times for maintenance and upgrading. Though it is likely, it is not guaranteed that there will always be a computer room or terminal available. Due to maintenance schedules, summer class schedules and the master’s projects, it is possible that you will be unable to use a computer at a specific time.
Student Lockers:
All May graduates must empty their lockers by noon, Friday, May 15.
Continuing part-time students and documentary students may keep their lockers. Graduates who will be working on a demo tape or other approved projects during the month of June may also keep their lockers. To request such a locker extension, please send e-mail to Derek Gano at with your name and the reason for your request.
Graduates’ lockers that have not been vacated by noon on Friday, May 15, will be have their locks removed and contents moved to a storage bin and eventually discarded. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONIES UNTIL YOUR LOCKER IS EMPTIED. All locker questions should be directed to Derek Gano at
Student Mail Folders:
The mail folders of graduating students may be used until noon, Friday, May 22. All items remaining in boxes after that date will be discarded.
Computer Account and Class Shares:
Access to J-School computer accounts for all graduating students will remain active until June 30, 2015.
All personal server space and class shares (posted below) will be deleted on May 30. Please be sure to backup all of your files to external media (CDs, DVDs, flash media, iPods, etc.) before your account is deactivated. These shares will no longer be available to you and the data will be unrecoverable. Even if you are not graduating this May please also note these shares will be deleted as they are for class work only, so do not continue to use them. New shares will be provisioned for summer courses.
City News Room
University Services After May 20
Health Services
For graduating students we are offering a one-time-only extension of the plan so that it affords a full 52 weeks of coverage. The extension is available upon request and enrollment must be complete no later than August 14, 2015. Details are on our website at
University Libraries
Recent alumni will retain full library privileges, including borrowing privileges and access to licensed electronic databases, for a period of three months beyond the degree conferral date. Access information can be found at Library Services for alumni can be found at
Dodge Physical Fitness Center (aka the Gym): You may use the gym over the summer with your current CUID. However, you will have to pay the $91 gym use fee. Beginning in September, you will be eligible for alumni gym use. Please see
Alumni Benefits and Services
A variety of benefits and services are available to Journalism School graduates. This page answers most of your most questions and concerns, from auditing a class at Columbia to updating your address information, from obtaining a transcript of your time here to using Columbia’s recreational facilities –
Please note that you will automatically be subscribed to your class listserv using the real world e-mail address supplied in your graduation survey (more details en route from Career Services). To update any of your contact information with us or sign up for a regional listserv, use this form:
LionMail: You keep this account forever.