Category Archives: M.A. Program

MAJOR MEMO: Graduation Tickets

To receive your tickets you MUST complete the graduation survey at

The survey is used to create a class directory, employment statistics and a database of employment information indicating the types of position openings in which you are interested. This is very important in determining how we can better help graduates find the best jobs as quickly as possible, and how the school can help make that happen by also collecting feedback on career services. You willingness to allow career services to circulate your resume is also indicated on the survey.

The survey is also used to gather feedback on other aspects of your Journalism School experience that cannot be captured through course evaluations.

You may pick up your tickets from Chanel Roche or Evelyn Corchado in room 207A once you have completed your online graduation survey and are in compliance with the Sexual Respect Initiative.

They will verify receipt of the survey (and SRI compliance) and have you sign for your ticket envelope containing both sets of tickets.

Only those who registered that they are attending graduation and requested tickets receive tickets.

The survey can done 24/7, but the office is open for ticket pick-up on weekdays from 10 am-5 pm only.

If you are a part-time student and it is impossible for you to come in, you may contact Chanel Roche about having tickets mailed. Survey receipt verification is still required.

REMINDER: You must be in compliance with the Assessment System requirements to graduate.  Those who do not submit their materials by the May 13 deadline will be removed from the list of graduating students.



ACTION ITEM: Immunization Compliance

Dear New Students:

Welcome to the Journalism School! We look forward to meeting you soon! We will be in touch later in June about registration and mandatory orientation.

Right now, I am writing to notify you about something you must do before we will be able to register you for classes.

New York State public health law requires that all students document immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR), as well as document that they either have received the Meningitis vaccine or have declined to receive it.

All students must be in compliance with these laws before being registered for classes.  Detailed information and instructions are available at

Please act as soon as possible to supply Health Services with the required documentation.  Please do not send me or anyone else at the Journalism School your health records.  Only Health Services can certify that you are cleared and can be registered.

The deadline for completion of this task is May 11 for new part-time students and July 1 for all new full-time students !  We will be unable to register you for classes without your having submitted this documentation.

Please DO NOT contact my office with questions about this requirement, you must contact Health Services at (212) 854-7210 with any questions regarding immunization compliance. Alternately, send email to


Sexual Respect Initiative – Requirement

REMINDER: You must complete the Sexual Respect Initiative participation requirements no later than March 20.  Participation is a graduation requirement.


How to get started:  Go to the Sexual Respect website to learn about and sign up for workshops, film screenings, online options, independent projects, and resources for healing and resilience.  Check the FAQ for details.


Why sexual respect? Sexual respect is a commitment to communicating and acting with integrity and respect for others. The Sexual Respect and Community Citizenship Initiative asks all Columbia students to act, in ways most meaningful to you, to create this ethic of care in our own University community even amidst our differences, and to challenge sexual and gender-based misconduct at Columbia and beyond.


Questions? Email And check out the Office of University Life website for more ways to get involved.

WORKSHOP: Intimate Partner Violence

PLEASE NOTE: Participation in this workshop will fulfill the University Life Sexual Respect and Community Citizenship requirement

Intimate Partner Violence: Understanding Power & Control and Giving Support
Tuesday, December 1, 2:00 – 3:30 P.M. in Alfred Lerner Hall, Room 569

A significant number of individuals have been impacted by intimate partner violence, either directly or indirectly. Recognizing controlling behaviors in a relationship can be difficult- it is important for students to be aware of warning signs that a relationship may become abusive and understand how to gauge next steps in the event that a relationship becomes violent. During this interactive workshop, participants examine the behaviors that may be indicators of an unhealthy or abusive relationship and learn about ways to effectively support someone who is in an abusive relationship. Please note that this workshop is only for Graduate Students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Participation in this workshop will fulfill the University Life Sexual Respect and Community Citizenship requirement. RSVP is required.

MAJOR MEMO: Journalism School Graduation Ticket Distribution

Dear Graduating Students:

READ CAREFULLY – Graduation Tickets

Journalism School Graduation tickets are now available.

To receive your tickets you MUST complete the graduation survey at

The survey is used to create a class directory (both your class list serve and the alumni database), employment statistics and a database of employment information indicating the types of position openings in which you are interested. This is very important in determining how we can better help graduates find the best jobs as quickly as possible, and how the school can help make that happen by also collecting feedback on career services. You willingness to allow career services to circulate your resume is also indicated on the survey.

 The survey is also used to gather feedback on other aspects of your Journalism School experience that cannot be captured through course evaluations.

 You may pick up your tickets from Chanel Roche or Evelyn Corchado in room 207A once you have completed your online graduation survey

They will verify receipt of the survey and have you sign for your ticket envelope containing your tickets to the Journalism School Graduation.

Only those who registered that they are attending graduation and requested tickets receive tickets.

The survey can done 24/7, but the office is open for ticket pick-up on weekdays from 9 am-5 pm only.

If you are a part-time student and it is impossible for you to come in, you may contact Chanel Roche about having tickets mailed. Survey receipt verification is still required.

REMINDER: You must be in compliance with the Assessment System and Sexual Respect Initiative requirements to graduate.  Those who do not submit their materials by the May 15 deadline will be removed from the list of graduating students.


MAJOR MEMO: End-of-Year Manual

Dear Graduating Students:

Please carefully read this End-of-Year Manual for information about building access, locker clean out, equipment use, alumni services and more.

Use of Journalism Building Facilities After May 20.

Use of Building:

Members of the Class of 2015 will have access to the building and its facilities through June 30, 2015.

Exceptions include: any area under construction, and any classrooms and computer rooms being used for summer classes or special programs. If you are in one of these rooms when a class is scheduled to begin, please leave immediately. Refusal to cooperate may result in the termination of your access to the building.

All current fines must be paid by Friday, May 8 or a hold will be placed on your student account. All equipment must be returned to the Equipment Room (507) by Friday, May 15th. Action will be taken to repossess equipment from outstanding checkouts after May 15. After graduation, students will be allowed to check out equipment (if all bills paid), as available, until Friday, June 6th. Please remember that scheduled summer school classes and master’s project students, as well as necessary equipment maintenance upgrades, have priority for equipment and editing rooms.

Please be aware that individual computer rooms will be closed at different times for maintenance and upgrading. Though it is likely, it is not guaranteed that there will always be a computer room or terminal available. Due to maintenance schedules, summer class schedules and the master’s projects, it is possible that you will be unable to use a computer at a specific time.

Student Lockers:
All May graduates must empty their lockers by noon, Friday, May 15.

Continuing part-time students and documentary students may keep their lockers. Graduates who will be working on a demo tape or other approved projects during the month of June may also keep their lockers. To request such a locker extension, please send e-mail to Derek Gano at with your name and the reason for your request.

Graduates’ lockers that have not been vacated by noon on Friday, May 15, will be have their locks removed and contents moved to a storage bin and eventually discarded. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONIES UNTIL YOUR LOCKER IS EMPTIED. All locker questions should be directed to Derek Gano at

Student Mail Folders:
The mail folders of graduating students may be used until noon, Friday, May 22. All items remaining in boxes after that date will be discarded.

Computer Account and Class Shares:

Access to J-School computer accounts for all graduating students will remain active until June 30, 2015.

All personal server space and class shares (posted below) will be deleted on May 30. Please be sure to backup all of your files to external media (CDs, DVDs, flash media, iPods, etc.) before your account is deactivated. These shares will no longer be available to you and the data will be unrecoverable. Even if you are not graduating this May please also note these shares will be deleted as they are for class work only, so do not continue to use them. New shares will be provisioned for summer courses. 


City News Room

University Services After May 20

Health Services
For graduating students we are offering a one-time-only extension of the plan so that it affords a full 52 weeks of coverage. The extension is available upon request and enrollment must be complete no later than August 14, 2015. Details are on our website at

University Libraries

Recent alumni will retain full library privileges, including borrowing privileges and access to licensed electronic databases, for a period of three months beyond the degree conferral date. Access information can be found at Library Services for alumni can be found at

Dodge Physical Fitness Center (aka the Gym): You may use the gym over the summer with your current CUID. However, you will have to pay the $91 gym use fee. Beginning in September, you will be eligible for alumni gym use. Please see 

Alumni Benefits and Services

A variety of benefits and services are available to Journalism School graduates. This page answers most of your most questions and concerns, from auditing a class at Columbia to updating your address information, from obtaining a transcript of your time here to using Columbia’s recreational facilities –

Please note that you will automatically be subscribed to your class listserv using the real world e-mail address supplied in your graduation survey (more details en route from Career Services). To update any of your contact information with us or sign up for a regional listserv, use this form:

LionMail: You keep this account forever.

MAJOR MEMO: Columbia Health – Student Health Insurance

Greetings Students,

The warmer weather has finally arrived and change is blooming around the city.  With that in mind we wanted to take a moment to share three positive changes and address one change-related concern regarding the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan.

Positive Changes

New, Dedicated E-mail Address.  Please write to us at  Please also update any publications or webpage to reflect this new address.

The August Extension.  For graduating students we are offering a one-time-only extension of the plan so that it affords a full 52 weeks of coverage. The shift in plan dates led to some concerns and we are happy to make this available.  The extension is available upon request and enrollment must be complete no later than August 14, 2015.  Details are on our website at

Early Arrival Coverage For All. As you may remember, a major driving force for changing the plan start dates was the number of students on campus before September 1st.  Now that the Student Health Insurance Plan begins on August 15 we have eliminated the Early Arrival Plan.  One notable benefit of this change is that it provides coverage to many new students during orientation without the need to sign up for a supplemental plan.

Change-Related Concern

Related to changes two & three above, we want to reiterate that there will be no gap in coverage for continuing students.  The current plan year runs September 1, 2014 to August 14, 2015 and the new plan year will begin on August 15, 2015.  While we have been sharing this with students, your help is assuaging concerns is most appreciated.

Thanks so much for your continuing collaboration and do reach out with any questions.  As always, please let us know how we may continue to be your partner in supporting students in the achievement in their personal and academic goals.

In health,
Catherine, Janelle, Michael, Stephanie, & Steve

Student Health Insurance

503 Alfred Lerner Hall


503 Alfred Lerner Hall

MAJOR MEMO: Graduation Registration Memo

Dear Graduating Students, Just Graduated Students, Spencers, & 3rd semester doc students:

This year’s graduation information page is now live at:

It is important that you visit the information page as well as read and follow the instructions below carefully.

To graduate and participate in the two ceremonies (Journalism School Graduation & CU Commencement), you must complete a number of tasks:

  1. Diploma Application form – This was due back in December for May 2015 graduates. To double check that yours was received, please visit SSOL and look for the diploma application status box. If yours has not been received, please fill out the form, ASAP.

Spencers do not have to do this.

October 2014 and February 2015 grads have already received diplomas.

Currently enrolled 3rd semester docs do not have to do this yet.

  1. Journalism School Graduation Registration/Ticket Request:

All those graduating must complete this form even if they will not be participating in either ceremony.

Graduating Journalism students are required to register online for the Journalism School Graduation ceremony (at a different link than the one for the university ceremony), where they will also be able to request up to three (3) guest tickets for this ceremony. Graduating students do not need tickets for themselves. Tickets for the Journalism ceremony will be hard copy and available for pick-up in 207A beginning on May 8 for those who both registered to attend and who have completed the online graduation survey which will be available as well on May 8.

Part-time students can contact Chanel Roche at about having tickets mailed, if necessary.

Registration Form Submission Deadline: Monday, April 20

  1. Columbia University Commencement Registration/Ticket Request:

Only those who will be participating in this ceremony need to complete this form. PhD Graduates need to complete this process through GSAS not Journalism.

Graduating students are required to register online to attend the Columbia University Commencement ceremony, where they are also able to request guest tickets (up to three). Graduate school degree candidates may request up to three (3) guest tickets. Graduating students do not need tickets for themselves.

Your Commencement guest tickets will be electronic tickets and will be available to you upon completion of registration. Please choose only one option to receive your tickets (printing the tickets yourself or sending electronically for your guests to print) to distribute to your guests. Each ticket has a unique QR code that can be scanned only once. Distributing your tickets via both options will cause confusion for guests when they reach the admission entrance. Please make sure that each guest has one numbered ticket which contains a unique QR code. Only the first guest arriving with that unique ticket will be allowed entry to the ceremony. Any additional copies of the same ticket will be turned away at the gates.

Please be sure to send or give your tickets to your guests prior to Commencement Day as it will be nearly impossible to navigate from upper (degree candidate procession area) to lower (guest seating area) campus on the day of the event. Each ticket must be printed out in advance and will be scanned for admission into the ceremony. This will reduce lines at the General Admission gates.

Please note that University Commencement is held on Low Plaza and the processional route for students includes stairs. Those graduates whose disabilities limit their ability to walk or negotiate stairs should contact Disability Services at 212-854-2388 (Voice/TTY) or email to arrange for accessible seating by Friday, May 8.

Commencement Registration Form Submission Deadline: Friday, May 8.

  1. Assessment: By May 15, all M.S. and M.A. students must have submitted the required work to the Assessment System:
  2. Sexual Respect Initiative: By May 15, all graduating students must have completed the requirements of this program:
  3. Graduation Survey: To be cleared to pick up the Journalism School graduation ceremony tickets you requested above (item 2), you must complete this survey. The link will go live and be distributed on May 8.

There will be multiple graduation info sessions in April at which you can ask all of your questions. The dates are listed at

University Life: Sexual Respect and Community Citizenship

From: Executive Vice President Suzanne Goldberg, Office of University Life

“Join the Conversation.” This is what the Sexual Respect and Community Citizenship Initiative poster urges. Hopefully you have seen it on College Walk or in buildings around campus. With a handful of days left before spring break—and the March 13 deadline for the Sexual Respect and Community Engagement conversation, I am writing with some updates and thoughts about how the Initiative is going.

For starters, I want to remind you that the Sexual Respect Initiative is one part of a broader University-wide focus on what it means to be a member of the Columbia University community. A central aim of this particular initiative is to encourage learning, thought and action on the link between sexual respect and community membership here.

So far, student response—in workshops, the arts, and all other options±has been impressive and inspiring. Thousands of students across the University have attended workshops, trainings, and film screenings through student organizations, academic departments, and sessions listed at, with many more to come this week.

More than 200 submissions have come in through the Arts Option, which invites students to creatively express their understanding of “sexual respect” in the context of Columbia. The submissions are quite extraordinary –thought-provoking poetry, prose, visual art, plays, video, and more, accompanied by deeply thoughtful statements about what motivates or underlies the work.

We see the same in the serious thought and care given to reflections submitted as part of the “video and reflection” option. I just finished reading a large set of de-identified reflections and am impressed, again, by the profound ways in which so many students are considering the role of sexual respect in their own lives at Columbia. In the coming weeks, we will post faculty members’ responses to these reflections as another part of continuing this conversation.

For some students, complaints about the initiative have been the path to engagement, prompting important conversations about what sexual respect has to do with community citizenship at all.

With permission, I will quote from one student’s comment: “I’m embarrassed to admit it but I walked in with the attitude that these types of educational seminars, while well-intentioned, don’t do anything to fix the problem. All the education in the world won’t convince a rapist not to rape and everyone else who gets dragged into it feels like they’re wasting their time. But I realize I missed the point completely. The important thing is to educate the average person about the dangers of sexual assault and to create a culture of prevention. If we can learn how to recognize the warning signs that an assault might occur and encourage intervention, instead of feeling awkward about it, we as a community can prevent assault before it begins.”

Dissent, at its best, is yet another path to engagement. For me, it is especially exciting to see dissent inspire creation, as has happened repeatedly though students proposing ideas for new workshops, becoming trained as facilitators, and creating new forms of art that might be used to educate and engage others.

The Initiative provides many additional ways for students to weigh in, add suggestions, and make recommendations. Every student receives an evaluation survey after completing the “affirmation of participation” on CourseWorks, and the Sexual Respect website invites your narrative comments.

Hundreds of evaluations have already come in, and these will be used, along with research on learning theory, sexual violence prevention and more, to develop future programming. Wonderfully, too, many students have indicated that they want to become more involved; if you are interested, please share your contact information on the otherwise anonymous evaluation form.

I could go on, but in the interest of time, I will close by referring back to this Initiative’s core principle:

This initiative focuses on the ways in which an ethic of sexual respect is integral to University community membership. The programming and public conversations place the University’s core commitment to mutual respect alongside other bedrock University commitments, including intellectual exchange and ethical leadership. Through your engagement, both in thought and action, we can create a community and campus in which all can participate freely and fully in the robust, pluralistic life of this great University.

I look forward to your participation.