Category Archives: Writing

Info Session: Book Writing w/Prof. Freedman

Attention Students,
Do you have a terrific non-fiction book idea?
Prof. Sam Freedman will be teaching his Book Writing course again this spring.
Admission to the class is by application!
To learn more, you must attend his info session this Friday, November 4, at 8am, in the Stabile Student Center.

This seminar teaches students to prepare a book proposal, including an overview essay and a sample chapter, both at least 4,000 words long. Each student must enter the class with sufficient material from elsewhere or an idea that can be researched in the New York area. Students will not be permitted to use their Master’s Project for this seminar. Coursework ranges from intensive study of literary nonfiction and journalistic fiction, with related writing assignments on a weekly basis, to instruction in the techniques of reporting, writing extended narrative and producing a book proposal. Guest speakers from the publishing industry appear frequently. Enrollment is limited with the approval of the instructor. Interested students should attend the information session where the application process will be discussed.

INVITE: STORYLINK Feb. 21 networking event

Students, we’re passing along an invitation to STORYLINK, an event hosted by Columbia’s School of the Arts, that provides opportunity to cross-mingle and find artistic collaborators. Details are below, and note that an RSVP by Feb. 14 on Facebook is required.

FOR: Writers & Directors in these graduate departments: Creative Writing, Film, Journalism, Theater, Visual Arts.
DATE:Friday, February 21st, 9pm.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday, February 14th.
LOCATION: Dodge Hall, room 501.
HOST: Film Directing Professor Ramin Bahrani,
STORYLINK is an exclusive networking event to link graduate students in the Creative Writing, Theater, Journalism, Film and Visual Arts departments. This is an opportunity for writers (screenwriters, playwrights, fiction writers & journalists) and directors (theater & film) to meet and spark collaborations on story ideas that can become scripts, plays or films.There is tremendous talent spread through multiple departments at Columbia, and we hope that this event can bring students together and foster long-lasting collaborations both within and also outside the scope of the coursework of each discipline. By RSVP’ing in advance and filling out the RSVP/CreativeProfile Form, we will attempt to connect writers and directors who share similar interests in creative speed-dating sessions. A mixer with food and drinks will follow where dialogues can continue, and also provide a forum to meet writers and directors who you were not paired with in the creative speed-dating sessions.
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